Lost to the mists of time…
While the exact beginnings or details of the rites of the Brotherhood are not known to outsiders, we have sources that indicate the giant octopuses of the Tacoma Narrows have been meeting for more than two centuries. The meetings began shortly after George Vancouver “explored” the Puget Sound. The octopuses realized quickly what a catastrophe this would be for the humans who had been peacefully coexisting with them for millennia.
These intelligent giants had heard from their fellow fauna that migrated in and out of the sound about all the havoc the “europeans” wreaked on local populations as they moved in to new territories. The worst part, as far as they could tell, was that the “europeans” truly believed that they were improving the areas they went. They thought that by claiming the land for their home countries and utilizing the resources for those they claimed as “monarch” they were doing “god’s” will. These pale apelings actually believed that they understood the universal intelligence, its will, and were the only ones who could effectively communicate it to the rest of the apelings.
As the Brotherhood formed and formalized, they determined that they would use their intelligence and network of information to manipulate these pale apelings to prevent calamity from sweeping over the globe. As they studied these creatures to understand how best to infiltrate the power structure, they learned that these life forms not only separated themselves based on pigmentation, which they appeared to be unable to change on command, but also by gender. While this made no sense to the octopuses, they named their council “Brotherhood” to be more compelling to the targets.
Then there was a war that broke out - killing for reasons that had nothing to do with sustaining species, or gathering food - the pale apelings were killing each other, while also bringing their peculiar brand of “intelligence” to infect more of the area closer to the native home of the Brotherhood. They determined it was time to enact their plans, and get started in controlling the foolish critters.
Read on in the next section for the rest of the story…